Well-wishes and celebrations are typical during this time of the year for many of us. What might be hidden behind our smiles is the stress we feel. According to a 2023 survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), 41% of respondents reported experiencing more stress during the holidays. The most common stressor relates to “spending too much money or not having enough money to spend.” Respondents also reported feeling stressed about meeting expectations, experiencing family conflict, missing loved ones, and feeling alone.
One general strategy to manage our holiday stress is to set realistic expectations and communicate them. This applies to the gifts we want to give, the traditions we want to follow, and the memories we want to create. Identifying what we value can help us prioritize how to spend our time and resources during this busy season, which in turn would make planning easier. Planning might take the form of creating a “to-do” list, setting a budget for gifts, and keeping a schedule of tasks and activities.
It is important for us to set aside time for ourselves as well. Saying “no” when we feel overwhelmed, engaging in activities that bring us joy, resting, maintaining healthy habits, and asking for support are ways we can promote our well-being. There are toolkits, resource lists, and apps, such as the ones from Mental Health First Aid and Teachers Retirement System of Texas. Professional help, including those through Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), is also available.
American Psychiatric Association. (2022, Dec 1). Seven ways to cope with holiday stress. https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/seven-ways-to-cope-with-holiday-stress
American Psychological Association (2023, Nov 30). Even a joyous holiday season can cause stress for most Americans. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2023/11/holiday-season-stress#
American Psychological Association (2024, 22Oct). Holidays don’t have to mean excess stress. It’s time to reframe your thoughts. https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/holiday-season
American Psychological Association (2024, 22Oct). How to deal with financial stress during the holiday season. https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/holiday-money
Mass General Brigham McLean. (2024, 9Dec). McLean’s guide to managing mental health around the holidays. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/mcleans-guide-managing-mental-health-around-holidays
Mental Health First Aid. (2023, Dec 19). Managing your mental wellbeing during the holiday season. https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/2023/12/managing-your-mental-wellbeing-during-the-holiday-season/
Teachers Retirement System of Texas. (2021, Dec). Beat the holiday blues. https://www.trs.texas.gov/Pages/healthcare-news-202112-mental-health.aspx
UTHealth Houston. (n.d.). Employee assistance programs. https://www.uth.edu/hr/service-areas/employee-assistance-programs