
Here are some quotes from our young adults and parents regarding their experiences in the program:  

Young adults: 

“The value of being open to new experiences was very helpful for me”

“I felt like I clicked into a family” 

“I didn’t know that other [neurodiverse] young adults like me existed until I joined this group. I had felt so isolated before the group but now feel connected to others who are also neurodivergent. “ 

“Most of my friends live all over the country because I met them online but this group allowed me to feel connected and speak more candidly with people who understand me and are going through a similar stage of life.“ 

“I remember answering the question about whether I can see myself confidently transitioning to adulthood. Before this group started, my confidence in my ability to transition to adulthood was very low but now I feel very confident about my ability to successfully transition to adulthood after the group ended.” 

“[I] learned perspective, seeing how other people handled similar more severe issues and get stuck.”

“I gained more confidence because I have struggled with a lot of self-confidence and being autistic before and so having both the ability to hear other people’s experiences that sounded very familiar and being able to go over those topics and discuss them with autistic adults really reinforced my knowledge to use them more easily.”

“[The] biggest gain was seeing that [I’m] not the only person struggling to transition to adulthood with day-to-day difficulties. [It is] comforting to see that other people have similar experiences and that I’m not ‘crazy’ and not all in my head, it’s real.” 

“[I learned] how to confront my problems and how to work through it step by step. [I] learned a lot of skills that are good for talking me down when I have a lot of emotions” 


“Group was great because it helped me connect with other parents going through similar situations. Made me feel like I wasn’t alone on an island. It was extremely beneficial.”

“I did find it very helpful, hearing what other parents were using with their children.”

“Sometimes in the midst of helping my young adult, I forget to help myself and get support.”

“For me, I learned about neurodiversity because I didn’t know a lot about it. I learned a lot about communicating with [my young adult]. I also learned where to find resources and where to find things.”

“[I have a] better understanding of [my young adult] and some of the challenges he is facing. I have a better appreciation of the fact that he is trying his best to overcome some of the things he struggles with.”

“This program reminded me that autism is not a disability. It is a difference in the way of life and that young adults with autism can flourish and reach their full potential. The phrase I enjoyed hearing was ‘if you have met one person with autism, you have met one person with autism.’ No two people with autism are the same. They have different goals and strengths, and so the transition to adulthood is going to look different for them.”