Evaluation, testing, and diagnosis – Our clinicians help to identify ASD and associated problems across the lifespan and to recommend and provide services to improve the lives of clients and their families.
Individual and family therapy – Therapeutic interventions may address challenges related to social skills, communication, relationship problems, anxiety, depression, or other emotional issues. Treatment is adapted to the needs and abilities of the individual. We also work with families to provide the necessary skills, supports, and therapeutic experiences to bring about lasting changes.
Group therapy –The clinic offers groups for adolescents, adults, or parents of individuals on the autism spectrum for social skills, executive functioning, and/or anxiety. Our Relationships Group, which focuses on providing skills and knowledge to autistic adults in a supportive, group therapy environment runs three times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall). If you are interested in our groups, please call the front office to be added to the waitlist: (713) 486-2700. OurLaunching! to Adulthood Group therapy program is also offered three times per year (spring, summer, and fall) and is for young adults (18-25 years old) with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their parents. The 10-week Launching! therapy program is based on evidence-based therapies (cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and motivational interviewing). For more information use the following link: https://uthtmc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9AeeAbNhMwgbi7A