Study Information

Study Information

The clinical research project: The potential caregiver (adult who will be helping care for the patient when discharged home) would be asked to speak to a study team member to learn more about the study, sign an informed consent document, complete a series of questionnaires before your loved one leaves the hospital and then again one month, three months, and six months after the first, and be randomly assigned to one of three study groups. These groups are:

  • Being given an ICU “diary” to use as well as instructions on how to use it to keep track of important information, your thoughts, feelings, questions for doctors, etc.
  • Being given the same ICU diary plus a 40 minute discussion with a study staff member focused on skills related to how to approach complex problems that have come up as a result of your loved ones injury.
  • Being given a similar ICU diary but modified to include questions that assist you with how to approach complex problems that have come up since your loved ones injury.

For more in-depth information, please visit our page (Identifier: NCT04293016):