Not so happy holidays? Tips to manage stress and to promote wellness during the holiday season.
Written by Dr. Lisa Kan Well-wishes and celebrations are typical during this time of the year for many of us. What might be hidden behind our smiles is the stress we feel. According to a 2023 survey by the American…
Coping Through the Holiday Blues
Written By: Dr. Jennifer Bahrman, PhD, Licensed Psychologist and Assistant Professor, Louis A. Faillace, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, McGovern Medical School The winter holiday season, often coined “the most wonderful time of the year,” is usually seen…
Sober & Merry: Thriving Through the Holidays Alcohol-Free
Written By: Dr. Amanda Zold The holiday season brings joy, but it also comes with stress, social pressures, and emotional challenges. As a culture, alcohol is heavily engrained in many celebrations, and the holidays are no exception. It’s estimated that…
Thank you to our Veterans
Written By Dr. Deborah Little Thank you. Simply, thank you. For your sacrifice and service. For your families sacrifice and service. Let us not only take time to honor you on this day but to remember and take a step…
FDA Approves Novel Combination Therapy for Schizophrenia: Xanomeline and Trospium Chloride
Written by Joao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved a first-of-its-kind treatment for schizophrenia, combining xanomeline, an M1/M4 muscarinic agonist, with trospium chloride, a muscarinic antagonist. This breakthrough offers a new…
Continuation and Maintenance ECT Linked to Lower Readmission Rates After Acute ECT
Written by Joao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has long been a critical treatment for severe psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. A recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry highlights the…
September Suicide Prevention Month- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Written By: Dr. Bobby Nix The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline launched on July 16, 2022, and since then, counselors have answered more than 10 million calls, texts, and chats from people looking for help with suicidal thoughts and mental…
Navigating Treatment Options: Ketamine vs. ECT for Nonpsychotic Treatment-Resistant Major Depression
Written by Joao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD In the realm of mental health treatment, the search for effective therapies for major depression, particularly in cases resistant to standard interventions, is a persistent challenge. Recently, a thought-provoking study published in…
The Misrepresentation of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Movies
Written by Joao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD Joao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), a medical treatment for severe mental illnesses, is one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood procedures in psychiatry, mainly due to its portrayal…
Exploring the Use of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors in Treating Depression
Written by Joao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD Joao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are a class of antidepressant medications that have been used for decades to treat various types of depression. Despite being one of…