Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (CBT-AR)

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CBT-AR is a treatment for adolescents and adults with ARFID, with aims of helping patients to normalize eating, increase macronutrient intake by directly consuming food rather than dietary supplements, and restoring weight and growth (if necessary). CBT-AR uses exposure-based interventions to address sensory sensitivities, lack of interest in eating, and/or fear of aversive consequences of eating (such as a fear of vomiting or choking). While CBT-AR has not yet undergone the rigorous testing necessary to be considered an evidence-based treatment for ARFID, initial studies have been quite promising, indicating that this approach is a well-accepted treatment.

Outpatient CBT-AR typically entails 20-30 weekly sessions, depending on whether or not weight restoration is indicated. Family-Based CBT-AR is provided for adolescents ages 12-16 and, 16-17 when the patient is underweight. Individual CBT-AR is offered for adults and motivated adolescents ages 16-17 that are not underweight as a result of their food avoidance/restriction.

For adolescents and adults with ARFID that struggle to make progress in treatment in our Outpatient Eating Disorders Clinic, our team is happy to assist in the referral process to other eating disorder treatment facilities in the community that offer higher level of care programming, including Monte Nido, Eating Recovery Center, Center for Discovery, and Eating Disorder Solutions.

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