Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy for Treatment Resistant MDD

The purpose of this study is to examine the safety and efficacy of using deep brain stimulation to regulate symptoms of treatment resistant depression.

Deep Brain Stimulation involves a device consisting of electrodes that are implanted into the patient’s brain and a battery that is implanted into the chest. We are recruiting patients between 18 and 70 years of age, who have unsuccessfully tried several different treatments for their depression. Participation in this study lasts 5 years.

Target sample: 20 Participants.

Main inclusion criteria:

  • Age 22 – 70
  • MDD for at least 5 years.
  • Failed the following treatments: 3 antidepressants, 2 adjunctive, more than 6 bilateral sessions of ECT and more than 20 sessions of psychotherapy

Main Exclusion criteria:

  • Other psychiatric disorders: BP I or II, non-affective psychotic disorder.
  • Current clinically significant neurological disorder.


Phone: (713) 486-2881
