Developing Adaptive Interventions for Cocaine Cessation and Relapse Prevention

No single treatment is appropriate for everyone; rather, treatments need to be adjusted based on patient characteristics and response in order to be maximally effective. We are conducting a study to develop adaptive treatment interventions, that is, interventions that change based on how the participant is doing. Individuals seeking treatment for cocaine addiction may qualify to participate in this two-phase program.  Phase 1 lasts four weeks and focuses on cocaine cessation using intensive outpatient behavioral therapies. Clinic visits take place 3 times a week and involved urine drug testing, motivational incentives, and individual therapy sessions. Phase 2 lasts for eight additional weeks and focuses on maintaining abstinence from cocaine.  During this phase, participants may receive additional treatment strategies, including a medication to deal with craving and withdrawal symptoms. The study concludes with a follow-up visit that takes place one week after treatment ends.