Clinical Curriculum

  • Year-long Rotations
  • 3 Days Outpatient VA – includes 1 day psychotherapy
  • 1 Day Elective (1 full or 2 half days)
    • Assertive Community Treatment, Geriatrics, Healthcare for the Homeless, Child and Adolescent Clinic, Telepsychiatry, Transplant Clinic, Mood Disorder Clinic, Women’s Health
  • 1/2 Day BBSB Outpatient
  • 1/2 Day Protected Didactics


Example Schedules:

Didactic Curriculum

  • Applied Psychotherapy
  • Advanced Topics in Psychology
  • Original Thinkers: Historical Evolution of Psychological Thinking
  • Special Topics in Outpatient Diagnostics
  • Special Topics in Outpatient Psychopharmacology