Magnetic Seizure Therapy in Bipolar Depression and Treatment Resistant Depression

Principal Investigator: Edison Leung, MD, PhD

Study Contact

Name: BSC Research Team

Email Address:

Phone Number: 713-486-2621

This study is currently looking for people who:

  • Have Bipolar I or II diagnosis and currently experiencing depression OR have Treatment Resistant Depression
  • Are 22 to 85 years of age
  • Are on a stable drug regimen of psychotropic medication for at least 6 weeks at the time of entry into the study
  • For female participants of reproductive potential: use of highly effective contraception for at least 1 month prior to screening and agreement to use such a method during study participation and for an additional one week after the end of intervention

Study Description:

The purpose of this study is to obtain a preliminary comparison of the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of Magnetic Seizure Therapy (MST) and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). Both Seizure Therapies are done under anesthesia by inducing seizures. In MST, magnetic waves are sent to the brain to induce seizures and in ECT electric signals are sent to the brain to induce seizures. The total amount of time you will be in this study is 10 weeks. You will be randomized either into ECT arm or MST arm for treatment of your condition. ECT has been approved by the FDA and used for this condition, but MST is currently investigational.

All participants will be compensated for their time.