Neurodegenerative Changes in Post-Stroke Depression

Principal Investigator: Sean Savitz, MD and Rodrigo Vieira, MD

Study Contact

Name: Mariano Montemayor

Email Address:

Phone Number: 713-486-6091

This study is currently looking for people who:

  • Are 18 years of age and above
  • Had a stroke (Ischemic) within the last 4 weeks to 6 months
  • Are diagnosed with or without depression
  • Are willing to answer questionnaires and undergo free MRI and free PET Scan with Tracer

Study Description:

The Post-stroke depression (PSD) is a terrible complication of stroke. The purpose of this study is to better understand what is happening in the brain that can predispose to depression. We are taking pictures with brain imaging (MRI and PET) to understand the changes in brain areas and nerve connections in depression.

Patients will be asked some questions about their mental health and they will be given free mental screening and services.

This study is designed to directly benefit patients and help future patients with post-stroke depression.

All participants will be compensated for their time.