Peer Support Groups for Residents

Join Jennifer Bahrman, PhD, as she leads, along with other residents, group discussions, aimed at offering suggestions on how thrive both personally and professionally during this time of COVID-19.

The dates and topics of these lectures are as followed:

Adapting and Adjusting to COVID-19

Wednesday, May 6 at 5 p.m.

Topics include: adjustment concerns, acceptance, managing social isolation, and couples claustrophobia.

Adapting to Changes in Productivity During the Pandemic

Wednesday, May 13 at 5 p.m.

Topics include: powering through procrastination, managing professional expectations, and maximizing motivation.

Thriving Professionally in Isolation and Avoiding Burnout

Wednesday, May 20 at 5 p.m.

Topics include: Zoom fatigue, burnout prevention, setting time boundaries, asking for help as help providers, and managing work/life obligations.

Zoom meeting ID: 365-421-0450