Watch videos, grow scholarship funds
Nearly $1,500 has been earned to fund McGovern Medical School student scholarships from views on the McGovern Medical School YouTube Channel.
The Medical School YouTube Channel was officially accepted for partnership on Jan. 20, 2022, meaning the account is eligible for monetization through ad revenue. Eligibility for monetization requires channels to have more than 1,000 subscribers and for individuals to watch 4,000 or more hours of the channel’s videos over a 12-month period.
After acceptance for partnership, channels are eligible for advertisers to run ads on videos, with each ad view generating revenue for the account. When the channel accumulates a certain amount of money, proceeds are sent directly to the McGovern Medical School student scholarship fund to attract the best and brightest prospective medical students.
Be sure to visit the McGovern Medical School YouTube channel and click the red “Subscribe” button.