Registration open for 11th Annual IACS-NAS Meeting

By Roman Petrowski, Office of Communications

IACS LogoMcGovern Medical School will cohost the 11th Annual Meeting of the North American Section of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences in a tribute to James T. Willerson, MD, from Sept. 19-21.

The three-day event is co-hosted by McGovern Medical School, the Texas Heart Institute, and Baylor College of Medicine at the Texas Heart Institute. Registration for the 11th Annual IACS-NAS is open and can be found here.

The first day of the conference on Sept. 19, kicks off at 4 p.m. with welcoming comments from Ali J. Marian, MD, professor and James T. Willerson Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Research, at the Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, and Joseph G. Rogers, MD, president and CEO of the Texas Heart Insitute, followed by a video tribute to Willerson and the James T. Willerson, MD, Symposium, featuring three presentations and a reception dinner buffet.

The second and third days of the conference will be broken down into 18 different sessions, with each session spanning two hours and featuring multiple presentations. Lunch and dinner will be served each day of the conference, with the final day featuring a Gala Awards/Dinner beginning at 6:30 p.m. A trio of McGovern Medical School faculty will receive awards at the conference including Henrich Taegtmeyer, MD, (IACS Medal of Merit), Leila Rouhi, MD, PhD, (Distinguished Service Award in Cardiovascular Science, Medicine, and Surgery), and Marian (Lifetime Achievement Award in Cardiovascular Science, Medicine, and Surgery.

For a full conference agenda, click here.

Conference participants are also invited to submit abstracts for poster presentations. Selected posters will be displayed throughout the conference, and each primary poster presenter will give a 3-5 minute overview of the research work and answer questions from the judges and conference delegates. Judges will score each abstract, and the top 8 posters are selected for the Morris Karmazyn Poster Awards and the Margaret Moffat Poster Awards. To submit an abstract, click here.