Call for nominations: WFF Excellence Awards
Nominations are open for the John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Distinguished Faculty Excellence Awards presented by the Women Faculty Forum.
The awards recognize outstanding contributions from women faculty at McGovern Medical School in two categories: Excellence in Research and Excellence in Clinical Science. Within each category, three awards will be granted, one at each academic rank for assistant, associate, and full professors (six awards total).
Criteria for the Excellence in Research Award include peer recognition, productivity and publications, competitive external grants, innovation, and educational research activities. For the Excellence in Clinical Science awards, criteria include outstanding contributions to patient care, promotion of clinical education, leadership in medicine, local, national, and international recognition, leadership in clinical improvements, professionalism, and excellence in practice management.
To nominate a McGovern Medical School faculty member for the Distinguished Faculty Excellence Awards, please submit a nomination letter of 1-2 pages, written by a nominator or nominee, a current CV, and two letters of support with at least one being from within UTHealth Houston. Deadline for submission is Feb. 7.
For questions, or to submit nominations, email [email protected].