Celebrating our Advanced Endovascular Aortic Program Research Team

July 20, 2021

Celebrating our Advanced Endovascular Aortic Program Research Team

We are pleased to celebrate and extend our gratitude to our Advanced Endovascular Aortic Program Research Team! The group gathered to celebrate the accomplishments and participation in the endovascular aortic program.

Spearheaded by professor of vascular and endovascular surgery, Gustavo Oderich, MD, the program focuses on various research initiatives surrounding endovascular surgical repair of aortic diseases. The team works tirelessly reviewing data, writing, preparing presentations, and ensuring our research efforts remain organized.

“The team continues to work with the highest standards of quality. This was a very productive year with many landmark contributions in major national and international meetings,” says Oderich.

Post doctoral research fellows, Giulianna Marcondes MD, Guillerme Baumgardt Barbosa Lima MD, Emanuel Tenorio MD PhD, and research coordinator, Joshua Wong MBS, were each recognized for their outstanding efforts in contributing to the cause.

“The past year has been a great experience ,” says Marcondes. “I’ve learned the importance of research for a surgical career. It has been great to be a part of such a productive team, and great work environment, and was nice to be recognized,” she says.

“I am so proud of this team!” says Oderich. We send our thanks and praise to the team as they continue to manage and publish the important work that advances medicine.