How to Begin Research Projects at UTH: Practical Tips and Resources

By: Siddharth Prakash, MD, PhD

Proper Management of HIPAA Data

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Websites to Know

Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects Slide

Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine:
Research Consultations
Steps in Launching a Research Project:

  • Idea
  • Detailed Literature Review
  • Study Question
  • Detailed Study Protocol
  • Funding (if needed)
  • Approval from Physicians, IRB, Hospital
  • Implementation

Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine:
Research Consultations

Stating the Questions/Hypothesis:

  • A research idea (for an observational or intervention study) should be structured into a well-built clinical research question or hypothesis with the following PICO components:
    • Population of interest
    • Intervention to be tested
    • Comparison strategy
    • Outcome(s)

Components of a Clinical Research Protocol

  • Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
  • Recruitment Methods
  • Procedures for group assignments and/or interventions (if prospective)
  • Management of confounding variables
  • Primary and secondary outcomes with methods of assessment
  • Analysis plan
  • Limitations

Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects:
Protocol Workflow (tips on starting research in slideset)

Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects

Committe for the protection of human subjects

UTH Research Resources

  • Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine
  • McGovern Medical School Information Technology (MSIT)
  • McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics
  • School of Public Health
  • Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
  • Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS)
  • Your fellowship research committee!

Clinical Research

Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine:
Research Consultations

SPARK mentoring and consultations on designing and conducting clinical and translational studies
Contact person: Maureen Goode, PhD, ELS, – 713-500-7924

The mission of SPARK is to mentor junior investigators and assist experienced investigators by providing multidisciplinary assistance on the design, implementation, and conduct of clinical and translational research studies.

SPARK services include:

  • Guidance on the formulation of research projects and programs
  • Advice on protocol design
  • Assistance with IRB/CCTS applications
  • Suggestions on finding outside funding
  • Research career advice

Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine:

Clinical Research Cirriculum
Contact: Deborah Garcia | (713) 500-6708

School of Medical Bioinformatics:
Clinical Data Warehouse

School of Medical Bioinformatics: Clinical Data Warehouse

Access to Clinical Data
data request form image

UT MH Image Request Core

Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences:

Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences:

School of Public Health: Center for HealthCare Data Available Datasets
School of Public Health: Center for HealthCare Data Available Datasets

School of Public Health: Center for HealthCare Data
How to Apply

School of Public Health: Center for HealthCare Data

New for 2023! Review scientific manuscripts

    • Cardiology faculty receive manuscripts to review on a daily basis
    • We do not have time to review them all
    • Reviewing for journals is something you can put on your CV
    • Builds academic currency
    • Develop experience in your field
    • If you want to be offered a chance to review manuscripts, email:
    • Include your subspecialty interest(s)
    • Note: reviews generally need to be completed within 1-2 weeks

New for 2023! Fellow education in Cardiovascular Genomics

  • NIH-funded UTH online course to educate clinicians about CV genetic diseases: HCM, Long QT, Aortic dissections, etc.
  • 24 modules, each take 10-20 minutes to complete
  • Bring yourself up to speed on genomic medicine
  • Get a certificate to put on your CV
  • Gift certificate and drawing for up to $500 (By August 1)

slide 24

New for 2023! Fellow education in Cardiovascular Genomics
To register, go to