Volunteer – Join our Community Advisory Board (CAB)!

Community Advisory Board Image

Originally founded in 1999, the Houston Cross-Network Community Advisory Board (CAB) is an independent group of advocates who are living with HIV and advocates who are not living with HIV. The advocates strive to be an active voice for community input in HIV clinical trials locally and beyond. We primarily focus on research in the areas of HIV treatment and prevention (including PrEP) as well as HIV-related cancer and family-centered HIV services.

What are Community Advisory Boards (CABs)?

Community Advisory Boards (CABs) exist to make sure that the voice of the community is included in all HIV research. As volunteers, we partner with researchers by providing important input from the community perspective in order to advance HIV research.

CABs provide an opportunity for stakeholders in HIV communities, especially clinical trial participants to:

  • Connect with other people living with HIV and/or allies within the HIV community
  • Share ideas and concerns about studies from the development stage through implementation
  • Provide suggestions to assist with accrual and retention of trial participants
  • Advocate for clinical trial participants, especially those from marginalized groups
  • Improve our knowledge of HIV of research and community involvement
  • Ensure that community involvement is prioritized in local HIV research
  • Promote ethical research

What does the CAB Do?

CAB members, which includes individuals living with HIV, caregivers, professionals, and concerned members of the community, meet face to face and via email and conference call to hold trainings, review protocols and offer feedback, discuss research trends, share resources and advocacy opportunities, commemorate HIV awareness days, and learn more about HIV science. HIV clinical trial participants are especially encouraged to join.

When and Where are CAB Meetings Held?

Meetings are held in the evenings every third Monday of every month in a conference room at Legacy Community Health.

CAB Inclusivity Statement

The CAB seeks to represent the culture, gender, race, sexual orientation, language, and socioeconomic status in the local HIV community and the greater Houston metropolitan area. As such, we welcome new CAB members from the transgender community as well as those who identify as women, young adults, people of color, and gender diverse individuals.

Want More Information?

Would you like more information about the joining and/or connecting with the Houston HIV Cross-Network CAB? We would love to invite you to visit one of our meetings, learn about available HIV clinical trials that are open to enrollment, review requests from potential guest speakers, and/or discuss CAB membership.

CAB membership application: https://redcap.uth.tmc.edu/surveys/?s=A947XA9RETWRKCXM