Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine

The Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine provides care in several forums. We offer consultations to patients with high-risk obstetrical problems, referred by their regular obstetrician. These consultations may result in a one-time visit to our offices or co-management of patients with complicated pregnancies. We also provide pre-pregnancy counseling for patients with medical problems, with complicated obstetrical histories or who just want up-to-date information prior to attempting a pregnancy. We provide ongoing prenatal care for patients who are high risk.

Patients who develop high-risk problems during pregnancy, patients who have a fetal anomaly and any patients in whom the need for tertiary care is anticipated may be transferred to us during pregnancy. We staff the ultrasound unit and genetics services. We also have an active antepartum testing unit within our Ultrasound clinic, as well as at Memorial Hermann Hospital. These units provide biophysical profiles, non-stress tests and other forms of antepartum testing for high-risk patients. Our Division is one of the 14 National Institute of Health Maternal-Fetal Medicine Network Centers. Participating in this network allows us the opportunity to do randomized clinical trials to further learn about conditions complicating pregnancy and improving the outcome of mothers and their infants.