The Fetal Intervention Fellowship

The fetal intervention fellowship program was approved by the Graduate Medical Education Office of UTHealth in 2012 and was reapproved in 2018. The program has graduated four maternal-fetal medicine specialists who are currently actively practicing Fetal Intervention.

The fellowship is two years in length. Fellows will be appointed through the Graduate Medical Education Office of McGovern Medical School (UTHealth), and they are given a faculty position in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science as a clinical instructor. Salary level is commiserate with their previous number of years and level of training.

The fellow will be directly supervised by three fetal interventionists with extensive cumulative experience. Ambulatory clinical training will take place in The Fetal Center, and inpatient experience in the high-risk obstetrical unit and the operating suites of Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital.

Learn more about the fellowship program at The Fetal Center Fetal Intervention Fellowship