Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adulthood
Written by: Amy K. Izuno-Garcia, PhD NCSP, Katherine A. Loveland, PhD Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adulthood April is Autism Acceptance month. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by differences in social communication and interaction as well as…
Behavioral Therapy Plus Naltrexone-Bupropion Combination May Reduce Binge Eating
Written By: Dr. Luca Lavagnino Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder in the United States. It is characterized by recurrent (i.e. weekly) episodes of overeating with a sense of loss of control. It is often associated…
ECT and Brain Stimulation Programs
Written by: Dr. Luis Fernandez Depression is a real and tangible condition to an outside observer (I.E. the psychiatrist). The sufferer, however, might experience it as a sense of failure, lack of will, or something to blame on the self. …
Mental Health and Climate Change
Written By: Jose A. Arriola Vigo, MD, MPH Climate change is recognized as one of the top threats to global health in the 21st century. Its scale is massive and with inaction it continues to grow. Extreme weather events such…
Psychedelic Trials and Research
Written By: Alia Warner, PhD What’s Up with All This Psychedelic Stuff? While catching up over the holidays, my father asked me a timely and earnest question, “What’s up with all this psychedelic stuff?” The recent explosion of psychedelic research…
An Ode to 2022
Written by Taiwo Babatope, MD, MPH, MBA. An Ode to 2022. As I sit in quiet solitude to reflect on how the last 365 days have gone It feels unbelievably surreal to find much has been far long gone Everything…
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Written by: Heather Webber, PhD. As a community we have learned a lot about addiction in the last several decades. Addiction has been strongly stigmatized, with some believing that addiction is a result of a weak character or moral failing….
Influence of technology on sleep among young children
Written By: Kawal Bir, MD. In today’s digitally-fueled times, young children are growing up with increasing exposure and easy access to digital media. This has introduced a new wrinkle to the challenges of parenthood. Due to technology’s ubiquitous presence in…
Adolescent Girls and Young Women with Autism Spectrum Disorder are at High Risk for Psychiatric Illness and Hospitalization
Written By: Deborah A. Pearson, Ph.D. For a number of years, it has been known that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are at high risk for developing psychiatric disorders. About 70% of children with ASD have been found to…
A Hot-Girl-Walk in the Snow
Written By: Cabrina Becker, MS2 A Hot-Girl-Walk in the Snow Many people’s psychological well-being can suffer during the cold winter months. One possible activity that may help mitigate or improve such feelings during the winter is exposure and engagement with…