About the Program

Welcome! Here in the Faillace Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, we place high value on creating strong working relationships among faculty, staff and fellows. We believe that together we can better help children and families develop their full potential. Our fellowship training program is also designed with this in mind.

The many training sites offer exposure to the full spectrum of psychopathology and treatment opportunities. The first year includes rotations through acute inpatient, forensic, residential, and consultation/liaison services in addition to an outpatient continuity clinic that runs throughout the two-year fellowship. There is strong direct supervision in the first year so that child psychiatry fellows develop excellent skills that allow them to work more independently by the second year. The second year includes numerous outpatient and specialty rotations in different settings so that by graduation, fellows are comfortable working in any setting. Because we work with a population often exposed to tremendous adversity and trauma, we emphasize a trauma-informed care approach that includes attention to self-care. This means having fun together!

We also work with many children who have complex medical illness, from cancer (at MD Anderson Cancer Center) to chronic illness and traumatic injuries (at Children’s Memorial Hermann), to children with psychosomatic illness or medical illness affected by psychological issues who we see both at Children’s Memorial Hermann.

We believe our program will offer a balanced curriculum, with value placed on working together with professionals from many disciplines. Upon completion of the program, the fellows will be well prepared for careers in private practice, academic, or community psychiatry settings.

Contact: psych.fellowship@uth.tmc.edu