
As the Psychiatry Procurement Team, we are available to assist you with your next purchase. Let us start by setting expectations and some ground rules.

  1. All transactions are centralized to the Psychiatry Procurement Team. Submit all initial requests to our group e-mail: Ms.PsychiatryProcurement@uth.tmc.edu.
    • This will help us decrease duplication of work, increase efficiency, and maintain financial records that are in compliance with the University.
    • Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. This will ensure that your request is processed as quickly as possible.
  2. Once your request has been assigned to a Procurement Team Member, you will continue to communicate with that team member regarding your requests. All follow-up emails should be sent directly to that team member.
  3. Completing your request is a group effort. As the Requestor, we depend on you to provide the necessary details and documents to process your request. This means:
    • Provide all requested documentation and details, including quantity and the correct CFS (Chartfield String). Please keep in mind that when one or more of the requested details are missing or incorrect, this delays the submission process and increases the amount of time all parties spend on your request.
    • Be familiar with the University’s policies and procedures and/or know where to look for the answer. When creating policies and procedures for your area, we highly recommend that you refer to and follow HOOP policy, guidelines from Finance & Business Services, and all restrictions from the Medical School and Department. Please note that some department restrictions may apply.