Extramural Grants/Awards
The search for research funding sources can often be an arduous task. While it is important to remember that the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health represent well-known and obvious sources of funding, many other foundation awards exist that may provide suitable research grants. McGovern Medical School Office of Research Affairs in conjunction with the Office of Academic and Research Affairs, and the Sponsored Projects Administration receive numerous limited submission and project-specific requests for proposals each year. The following links lead to a variety of resources and websites dedicated to listing research grant funding opportunities.
Inside UTHealth also regularly posts funding opportunities.
- Health Research Funding Database
- American Lung Association Research Awards and Grants
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Freedom to Discover Grants and Awards
- Burroughs Wellcome Fund Awards
- Dana Program Awards
- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Awards
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Searle Scholars Program
- Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research
- Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine