Newest Faces of McGovern: Jaden Custard

By Roman Petrowski, Office of Communications

Jaden Custard
Jaden Custard

What inspired you to want to pursue a career in medicine?
My mom’s encounter with cancer motivated me to pursue a career in medicine, and I began by obtaining my Emergency Medical Technician license. I constantly think about the various interactions I had with those who cared for my family and hope to one day be the physician who can provide hope to a family who does not believe in an optimistic future.

Knowing how it feels to be on the receiving end of bad news, I have a stronger desire to help others emotionally and physically through medicine. My academic career thus far has also revealed to me my profound appreciation for biological sciences and the natural processes of the human body, so much so that I began spending my free time watching surgeries and interviewing with doctors to learn more about what it meant to partake in a career in healthcare.

Why did you choose McGovern Medical School?
I chose McGovern Medical School because the environment was very welcoming, and I could tell that they cared about their students on a deeper level than just academic success; they cared about their students’ personal well-being.

I was very enthralled by the abundance of mentoring opportunities they offered, especially their MS2 buddy system, a system that many other schools do not offer. Within the first week of being assigned a mentor I was presented with advice for medical school, introduced to my mentor’s friends, and assisted in exploring research opportunities in the varying fields I was interested in. My mentor put a strong emphasis on cohesiveness, friendship, and, inclusivity making the transition into medical school less daunting and intimidating.

It is evident that McGovern works to allow their students to explore their interests by providing mentoring, resources, and an abundance of opportunities along the way. I could not ask for more in a medical school.

What motivates you?
My younger self and future self motivate me. I feel it is important to remember that no matter how stressed I get along the way, I am at a position that my younger self always dreamed of being. All we have in life when we are little are dreams, and I believe there is nothing more disheartening than a dream that does not become reality. It is said that your future self is watching you through the memories you make at various positions in life, and I would love more than anything to remember the journey I took toward achieving my dream of becoming a practicing physician and an overall well-rounded person.

I often look back on past memories of adversity to remember where I have been and how far I have come and continue to use such memories as a testament to my ability to persevere through difficult situations. Although extremely difficult at times, I believe it is very important to find joy in everything I do and learn valuable life lessons that contribute to the goals I have set forth for myself and my overall character development.

Who is your hero?
My mother is my hero. My mother is one of many individuals who continue to teach me what it means to persevere and push through adversity. My mom battling cancer while continuing to support my sister and I taught me what it means to remain steadfast and passionate about life controlling only the things that you can. My mother’s continuous support and love through one of the most challenging and scary times of her life was not only a testament to the size and strength of her heart but the embodiment of leading with love and being intentional, two qualities I look forward to building on during my journey of becoming a practicing physician.

My mother’s 20 years of service in the military have also taught me what it means to live a life dedicated to service. Her heart continued and continues to remain golden even through the multitude of sacrifices she has made during her time in the military. My mother is one of my motivations to live a life dedicated toward services bigger than myself.

What is your ultimate goal for your career in medicine?
I want to be a well-rounded physician. A physician who is personable and capable of understanding life from varying perspectives. I understand that I only see life through my own lenses, however I am also aware that those same lenses may have to temporarily be altered in order to truly understand the needs of the patients I am treating.

I always said I wanted to be that physician that provides hope to families, and in order to do that I must be able to empathize and adapt my perspectives to that of the patients as best I can. I am a firm believer that good bedside manner creates good rapport with patients, encouraging them to be more open and honest about their health concerns, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

What kind of emotions do you feel as you’re ready to begin medical school?
Honestly, at first I felt kind of numb because I was not too sure what to expect. Fortunately, I have had the pleasure of meeting so many kind and down-to-earth people who have made me excited to embark on this strenuous journey of becoming a doctor, and I am looking forward to learning alongside the Class of 2027.

I am very appreciative of the emphasis McGovern puts on collaboration and the development of a positive learning environment as it makes medical school seem less intimidating. Taking these next steps in life has proven to be very difficult as past friendships and relationships succumb to the differing paths of everyone’s lives. Everything I have become accustomed to over the course of my undergraduate career has seemingly been uprooted, forcing me to adapt to the changes of moving and establishing new relationships/connections along the way.

What are you looking forward to most about medical school?
I am looking forward to exploring the various specialties within the field of medicine and building long-lasting relationships. I am a first-generation medical student and have a lot to learn about what the field of medicine encapsulates. Thinking about it is a little daunting as the opportunities seem endless here in the Texas Medical Center.

During the exploration of my curiosities I am also looking forward to building connections with my fellow students and healthcare professionals, and participating in research as I attempt to make the most of the opportunities and time I spend here at McGovern. Medical school can be challenging, and I am looking forward to navigating those challenges building lifelong connections along the way.

If you had to pick a medical specialty right now, what would it be and why?
I am currently interested in the field of radiology. My fascination for radiology developed when I took my first anatomy class in the final semester of college. I began to develop a profound respect for the amount of information that could be obtained from the various types of imaging techniques. A lot of people have this preconceived notion that radiologists only sit in a dark room and read images; however, I have come to find out that the world of radiology spans into a variety of specialties and guides an abundance of procedures.

Initially, I saw myself doing surgery, and while that is not out of the picture, I feel like the field of radiology can provide the perfect blend between reading images and allowing for the performance of procedures.

To meet all of the Newest Faces of McGovern Medical School, click here.