TEACH-S holds annual educational symposium

The Texas Educator’s Academies Collaborative for Health Professions – Southeast (TEACH-S) held its annual Educational Symposium on May 3 at the Health Education Center at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas.
The annual event serves as a platform for educators in the region to present and discuss their scholarly innovations. The symposium features a variety of activities, including keynote sessions, workshops, small group discussions, and both oral and poster presentations. The theme for the 2024 symposium was “Adapting Teaching and Learning in the Digital Era,” with Elissa Hall, EdD, MA, director of Advanced Digital Education and assistant professor at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Sciences, delivering the keynote address.
The symposium is a joint effort between the McGovern Medical School Academy of Master Educators and the Baylor College of Medicine Academy of Distinguished Educators, the UTMB Academy of Master Teachers, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the Houston College of Medicine.
The symposium welcomed nearly 200 participants, with medical students making up 22% of the group. The event underscores the importance of faculty and student involvement in fostering innovation and passion in education.
“Given the symposium’s success in fostering collaboration and advancing educational practices, we encourage faculty and students to attend next year’s conference,” said Peggy Hsieh, Med, PhD, associate professor and assistant dean for Educator Development. “It promises to be another enriching experience where you can share work, learn from peers, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in health professions education.”