Festschrift Lecture, Honoring Dr. Hazim J. Safi

February 5, 2020

Please mark your calendars for a special event honoring Founding Chair of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Hazim J. Safi, MD on the morning of Wednesday, March 4th, 7am to 11am, at McGovern Medical School, at UTHealth.  

Festschrift, a German term translating to “festival of writing,” is defined as a “collection of writings published in honor of a scholar.”  A European tradition developed in Germany before World War I, a Festschrift is a published book or journal, and is presented to honor an academic and their research and work centric to science and culture.  The tradition was carried to the US by scientists who escaped the Nazis during World War II.  The Festschrift is often bound into a book or journal, and is traditionally composed of volumes and contributions from the honoree’s past and present colleagues, students, peers, friends.  The written work that is compiled into the Festschrift, typically reflects on the honoree’s contributions to their field of scholarly study.  The book or journal can also include important and original research by the authors, and has been known to serve as a place in which to publish otherwise unpublishable, or at least difficult-to-publish papers.  In Germany, the request to contribute to a Festschrift is an honor, as is the request to edit the volumes.

This commemorative lecture includes special guest speakers from around the world to present and reflect on Dr. Safi’s international influence and groundbreaking contributions to the field of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery.
During this programmed lecture event, Dr. Safi will be presented with a festschrift, an honorary collection of essays from academic colleagues, with contributions from esteemed individuals who have had the privilege to work with him or have been influenced by his work.

McGovern Medical School: 6431 Fannin St. Room 1.006, Houston, TX 77030
Breakfast Reception: 7am to 8am – RSVP required, please email: Info.CTVS@uth.tmc.edu
Lecture Series: 8am to 11am

We hope you are able to join us to celebrate his legacy, expertise, and commitment to the education and development of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery.  If you have questions about this event, please email: Info.CTVS@uth.tmc.edu.

Live Streaming: https://uthvideo.uth.tmc.edu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=b1fa50f0-e54f-4f30-9ae7-ab490120960a

Live Q&A will be available through meet.ps/safi, available on your web browser.