The University of Texas System Kenneth I. Shine, MD, Academy of Health Science Education hosted the 2024 Innovations in Health Science Education Conference in Austin, TX, from February 22 to 23.
Several members of the McGovern Center presented at the conference:
- Anson Koshy, MD, MBE, and Angela Gomez, EdD, MBA, MS, gave a talk called, “Build It and They Will Come: Development and Findings from a Pilot GME in Humanities and Ethics Certificate Program.”
- Margarita Ortiz, JD, MA, presented, “An Active Approach to Professional and Ethical Education: Using an Objective Standardized Clinical Examination to Evaluate Pediatric Residents Ethical Competency,” on behalf of collaborators Shriya Sachdeva (MS2), Sienna Wu (MS2), and Chinyere O’Connor, MD (Pediatrics).
- Jessica Wise, MPH, PhD Candidate, presented “Advocacy 101 and Medical-Legal Partnerships Learning Modules to Educate Health Professional Students about How to Initiative Positive Change: A UTHealth Houston Quality Enhancement Project (QEP),” on behalf of colleagues Sandy McKay, MD (Pediatrics), Angela Gomez, EdD, MBA, MS (McGovern Center), and Christina Fok, MD, JD (Pediatrics).

Third-year medical student and member of the Center’s Medical Humanities Scholarly Concentration, Anna Matuk received Honorable Mention for the poster, “Words Matter: Examination of Language Use in a Case of Pediatric Obesity.” The poster was authored by Briana Pottinger (MS2), Jacee McCoy (MS3), Anna Matuk (MS3), Michelle Barratt, MD, MPH (Pediatrics), and Emma Omoruyi, MD, MPH (Pediatrics).