McGovern students present at SGEA Conference

By Angela Gomez, McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics
May 2, 2024

McGovern Medical School joined Baylor College of Medicine and The University of Texas Medical Branch in hosting the 2024 Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) Annual Conference from April 11-13, 2024. The SGEA is a regional affinity group of the Group on Educational Affairs of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).

Among the presenters were student participants of programs of the McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics:

Medical Humanities Scholarly Concentration student Naahanna Bryan Akahara presented, “Advancing 4th-Year Medical Student Education: Utilizing Novel Simulations Deliberately Placed throughout the Curriculum for Optimal Residency Preparation,” with coauthors and McGovern Medical School faculty, Randa Jalloul, MD; Julie Gutierrez, MD, and Elizabeth Nugent, MD.

Students Elizabeth Rodriguez, Mallika Tripathy, and Brian Crowley, presented their poster, “Student-Led Service Learning Organization and Impact on Social Determinants of Health Awareness.” The students’ work was developed as part of their leadership work in the extracurricular elective, Student Learning at McGovern (SLaM). The elective is sponsored by the Center and the Quality Enhancement Plan on Healthcare Policy for Health Professionals.

More about the conference