17th Annual Humanities Banquet celebrates graduates
On March 26, 2024, the McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics honored the Class of 2024 at the Annual Humanities Graduation Banquet. This year’s class included 5 graduates from the Clinical Humanities Certificate Program offered to students at the School…
GME in Humanities and Ethics Program open for applications for 2024-2025
The McGovern Center welcomes applications from UTHealth Houston/McGovern Medical School Resident and Fellow Physicians (PGY-2 and above) to the GME Humanities and Ethics Certificate Program (2024-25). This 10-month course will provide learners an opportunity to develop their understanding of humanities…
Keisha Ray receives Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award
Congratulations to Keisha Ray, PhD, who was named as one of the winners of the 2024 Dean’s Teaching Excellence Awards! The award is presented each May, the designated teaching excellence month for McGovern Medical School. Ray previously received this award…
Medical humanities graduate named outstanding neuroscience student
The Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy has named Emma Stenz, MS4, as the winner of the Outstanding Student in Neuroscience Award. Stenz matched in her area of passion, ophthalmology, and will be a resident physician at the University of Washington…
Keisha Ray quoted in Everyday Health about pelvic and prostate exams
A recent piece, “Pelvic and Prostate Exams Without Patient Consent Banned From Medical Training,” in Everyday Health includes comments from Keisha Ray, PhD, about changes to federal guidelines banning the controversial teaching practice of allowing these exams without patient consent….
TEACH-S poster by QEP team members wins 3rd place
Center members Angela Gomez, EdD, MBA, MS, and Jessica Wise, MPH, PhD(c), presented a poster at the 2024 Texas Educator’s Academies Collaborative for Health Professions (TEACH-S) Educational Symposium in Galveston, TX, on May 3 about the digital learning efforts used…
Writing Fellow publishes several works
Cross-posted from Cizik School of Nursing When Emily Barr learned that the McGovern Center for Humanities & Ethics would offer a writing fellowship, she applied with a specific goal in mind – to submit for publication an essay she began…
McGovern students present at SGEA Conference
McGovern Medical School joined Baylor College of Medicine and The University of Texas Medical Branch in hosting the 2024 Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) Annual Conference from April 11-13, 2024. The SGEA is a regional affinity group of the…
Emily Barr publishes poem in The Perch
A poem by Emily Barr, PhD, RN, was published in the Spring 2024 issue of The Perch. The poem, “Paparazzi,” reflects on her experience after losing her brother, likening the flashing bulbs of the paparazzi to the rare eye condition…
Applications welcome for next cohort of Writing Fellows
The McGovern Center-Inprint Writing Fellowship welcomes applications to join the 2024-2025 cohort. This intensive writers’ workshop is a year-long creative writing program open to all healthcare professionals (including basic scientists) in Houston. Applications are due by August 15, 2024.