

  • Theoretical Neuroscience I: Cells, Circuits and Systems (GS140153)
    This course will cover the biophysical foundations of neuronal cells. It will include a mathematical analysis of ion channels, action potential propagation and generation as well as synaptic transmission. It will also describe reduced neuronal models, models of VI receptive fields and correlations between different cortical neurons.
  • Theoretical Neuroscience II Learning, Perception and Cognition (GS140163)
    This course will cover two broad topics. I. The synaptic basis of learning and memory. This portion of the class will span from plasticity models to biophysical models of synaptic plasticity. II. Theoretical systems neuroscience. This portion will include population coding, perception, Bayesian inference and probabilistic models. This course will be taught on the Rice University schedule.

I also teach several lectures in the Cellular Neuroscience and Systems Neuroscience courses.


Contact Information

Harel Shouval
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +1 713 500 5708