What inspired you to want to pursue a career in medicine?
I grew up as a patient. When I was eight my appendix ruptured, became gangrenous, and the situation became life-threatening. My unique anatomy and the doctors at Dell Children’s saved my life. This spurred my interest in learning the ins and outs of the human body, to understand how one might fix what’s broken within. As I recovered, my mindset was perpetually changed. I no longer feared medicine, I was intrigued by it. My fascination with healthcare was amplified when I was diagnosed with severe, fast-progressing scoliosis earning me a Boston back brace and countless orthopedic appointments. Growing up as a long-term patient, I’ve gained a strong understanding of the importance and effect of patient-provider relationships.
My exposure to healthcare from the provider’s perspective began in high school when I joined the Health Practicum Career and Technical Education program. Here, my dream of becoming a physician was made tangible. In college, I was accepted into the Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) where my clinical experiences only continued to grow. Each experience with medicine deepens my excitement for my future career. A younger version of myself will always be with me; her curiosity and passion ceaselessly support me on this path to becoming a physician.
Why did you choose McGovern Medical School?
My friends and classmates always spoke very highly of McGovern. Being from outside the Houston area, my first interaction with McGovern was on interview day. I instantly felt welcomed and supported. During my interviews, Dr. Bindu Akkanti and Sung-Hoon Park (then an MS4) not only engaged in conversation with me but also provided valuable advice and mentorship. I have been in communication with both since matching and this is an experience that I find unique to McGovern. Students are truly fulfilled here because of this incredible support system from fellow students, faculty, and staff.
If that weren’t enough, McGovern sits within the largest medical center in the world. The resources and avenues of research are endless. I cannot wait to find new interests and explore different paths at McGovern.
What motivates you?
My background motivates me. I grew up in a low-income household where I struggled with health issues, and many in my family did as well. I have first-hand experience as a long-term patient. I understand the great impact of compassionate and empathetic care. With this knowledge, I’m motivated to become a physician who empowers low-income and underserved communities.
Who is your hero?
My family is my hero(es). My parents and siblings have always been my role models. They have shown and continue to show me what true strength and resilience look like. I am lucky to have my family’s love and support every single day. No matter the distance, my family is always there for me.
What is your ultimate goal for your career in medicine?
My greatest goal in medicine is to reduce healthcare disparities. I recognize that my own experience in a low-SES family living in a medically underserved area is far from the worst inequalities faced in medicine. I’ve learned about the struggles of different ethnic and racial backgrounds from my peers, fellow JAMP Scholars, and experience with patients while shadowing. When towering medical expenses are pulled into the mix, access to equitable care plummets, and people lose hope. Through my work as a doctor, I hope to reinstate my community’s trust in the medical system.
I have seen doctors who work tirelessly toward this goal. Like them, I refuse to ignore the disparities that affect my community and future patient populations. As an advocate, I will learn about the issues specific to my future community and become well-educated on the resources available to them. I will work towards expanding these resources. I will take the time to get to know each patient and learn about their particular needs to provide them with the utmost care. When specialist appointments are necessary, I will leverage my resources and contact colleagues to make sure that my patient’s needs are met. I hope to be remembered by my patients as a doctor who listened, a doctor they could rely on and that changed their lives for the better.
What kind of emotions do you feel as you’re beginning medical school?
I’m extremely excited with a healthy dose of nervousness. I’ve been striving toward this goal for so long, and it feels surreal to be here. I know that the hardest work is yet to come, but I’m eager for the challenge. I’m passionate when it comes to learning about science and medicine, so I’m looking forward to diving in. It’s a privilege to be at McGovern Medical School where I have this opportunity to learn and train. I plan on soaking up all that I can!
What are you looking forward to most about medical school?
I’m looking forward to the lifelong friendships and connections that I will make. My class is filled with amazing individuals from diverse backgrounds. Each person I meet is someone genuine that I can see myself becoming great friends with. We’re all dedicated to our education and the future of medicine. I can’t wait for these friendships to develop as we all become doctors together!
If you had to pick a medical specialty right now, what would it be and why?
If I had to pick a specialty right now it would be family medicine. Growing up in a family with many medical issues has enlightened me about the importance of primary care. I’m highly interested in family medicine because I derive joy from forging connections and hope to do this through longitudinal care. I relish a challenge and am excited to investigate all body systems when treating patients. By caring for all ages, I will have the ability to support everyone in my community. I’m determined to advocate for patients of all ages and backgrounds in my future specialty.
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