What inspired you to want to pursue a career in medicine?
Since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the diverse ways in which different cultures outside of my Nigerian culture approach health, illness, and healing. This fascination has only deepened as I have engaged with individuals from various backgrounds, discovering their distinct health practices and beliefs. I have come to understand how integrating cultural awareness with medical expertise can result in more personalized and compassionate care. Moreover, witnessing the obstacles encountered by individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds in accessing healthcare has fueled my determination to bridge these disparities. I am dedicated to contributing to a field where I can leverage my understanding of cultural diversity to enhance patient care, address health inequities, and advocate for more inclusive healthcare practice.
Why did you choose McGovern Medical School?
I knew for sure in February 2023, a couple of months before I submitted my medical school application, that McGovern was my dream school and the medical school I wanted to attend. I was here for a Pre-Health Professions Conference and clicked with a lot of the medical students right away. They were very kind and open while they shared their journeys and encouraging advice. I saw that the school did not just prioritize students’ success but prioritized having a beautiful community. I found it so admirable that they took time out of their Saturday to advise us on our next steps and teach us some skills like suturing and intubation and were happy and having fun as they were doing it!
What motivates you?
Growth motivates me. I love being able to look back at certain parts of my life and see how far I have come and how much I have grown. It motivates me to continue taking on challenges and overcoming them to become an even better version of myself and further grow.
Who is your hero?
Heroes embody characteristics like resiliency, bravery, and strength. Both my dad and my mom are my heroes and have displayed to me such characteristics. They left behind their families in Nigeria to make sure me and my sister could have better opportunities and bright futures. No matter the circumstances, they always prioritize me and my younger sister’s wellness and will do whatever they need to in order to make sure me and my sister succeed.
What is your ultimate goal for your career in medicine?
There is a lot of mistrust and fear surrounding healthcare and medicine for many people due to factors like inequities and systemic biases. I want my career in medicine to be dedicated to being a health equity advocate that addresses these factors and makes sure people feel safe and always seen. I want to push for practices and policies that ensure equitable care for all, especially for vulnerable populations. I want to make sure health education continues to become prioritized so patients and doctors can be on the same page and so patients do not feel like information is being hidden from them. Overall, I want my career in medicine to focus on making sure people do not see medicine as something they should avoid and for it to be inclusive.
What kind of emotions do you feel as you’re beginning medical school?
At first, I was nervous because I did not know what to expect, especially as a Dallas native who is new to Houston, and since medical school is a big transition. However, after making some new friends, meeting the staff, and having an MS2 buddy I am very excited! I am excited for all the growth and learning I will be doing for the next four years and very grateful for the opportunity to study medicine.
What are you looking forward to most about medical school?
My classmates have so many diverse experiences and diverse backgrounds. I am looking forward to learning from their unique perspectives and insights and engaging in a collaborative learning environment with them. I am also looking forward to engaging in student activities like health fairs and community clinics and being able to contribute to improving the health of the Houston community.
If you had to pick a medical specialty right now, what would it be and why?
I would choose family medicine! My first shadowing experience was a family medicine doctor, and I loved how she built strong, long-term relationships with patients from all walks of life and all ages. I love connecting with people on a deeper level and the idea of supporting their health throughout their entire lives truly excites me. With family medicine, one moment you can be treating and helping an adult with Type II diabetes, and the next you can be treating a young child with asthma, which intrigues me. I have a strong desire to do primary care because I love the strong emphasis on collaboration. Having to collaborate with different specialists when a patient needs advanced treatment, collaborating with organizations to address social determinants of health and improve overall community health, and more.
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