Learning Healthcare in the NICU

baby intubated

The Division of Neonatology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and the Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit support the regular evaluation of clinical practices to improve the care and health of our patients.

We call the process of evaluating clinical practices to improve how we treat patients “learning healthcare.”

We implement learning healthcare through partnering with families and healthcare team members to determine the best ways to evaluate our practices. The evaluations we conduct are also overseen by an independent ethics review board.

Our Impact

Studies conducted by the Division of Neonatology at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital have impacted local neonatal care and care around the world.

Because of clinical trials of cooling therapy, fewer babies with birth asphyxia die or have handicaps.

Because of a clinical trial of delivery room CPAP, fewer preterm babies develop lung disease.

Because of our neonatal follow-up studies, families around the world have information about what to expect after a preterm baby is born.

Our Team

Matthew Rysavy, MD, PhD

Matthew Rysavy, MD, PhD

Director of Learning Healthcare

Jessica Gomez, MSN, APRN, NNP-BC, IBCLC

Jessica Gomez, NNP-BC

Co-Chair of NICU FASTR

Jaleesa Wade

Jaleesa Wade, RN

Emily Stephens

Emily Stephens, RN

Gaby Dominguez

Gaby Dominguez, RN

Apoorva Mahatme

Apoorva Mahatme

Ilse Reyna

Ilse Reyna

Ileana Hernandez

Ileana Hernandez