The NICU Feasibility and Scientific Team Review (FASTR) group is made up of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers and parents that oversee the conduct of learning healthcare projects involving infants at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital.


The team includes physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, dieticians, respiratory therapists, parents of children who have been in the NICU, and others. Its goals include to:

  1. Track proposed, on-going, and complete learning healthcare projects
  2. Provide the opportunity for all healthcare team members to participate in learning healthcare
  3. Optimize the value of learning healthcare evaluations
  4. Allow family involvement in design and conduct of learning healthcare projects
  5. Generate awareness of learning healthcare results

The group meets on the third Tuesday of every month to review submitted protocols.


Submissions are required by the University of Texas Health Science Center Institutional Review Board for any projects involving infants.

Submissions for NICU FASTR review can be found here:

For additional details, please contact Jessica Gomez, NNP, or Ashley Willis.