Clinician-Educator Track
The McGovern Psychiatry Clinician Educator Track is a unique, longitudinal curriculum across training to develop your unique skills as a clinician educator. The program accepts applications beginning in PGY2. Once accepted, you will be paired with a faculty mentor who assists with your professional development and creation of scholarly activities. In the Clinician Educator Track, you will cultivate your personal teaching philosophy with hands-on training.
- Priority positions for educational opportunities
- Engage in regularly scheduled departmental workshops
- Attend didactics from the McGovern Office of Educational Programs
- Complete the Physician Educator Certificate Program
- Develop a capstone scholarly project and submit to national education conferences including AAP, AADPRT, AAMC, and ADMSEP
Notable Resident Clinician Educators:
In the track’s inaugural year, a PGY3 resident won the prestigious AADPRT George Ginsberg Fellowship based on their curriculum development.