
Since our clinic is specialized for a specific population, the following are Clinic criteria for services:

  • Children 12 years to 18 years of age and adults of all ages
    • Parents or guardians need to provide consent for treatment for individuals younger than 18-years-old
  • Experience of previous or current symptoms suggestive of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder or attenuated or mild symptoms of psychosis
  • Since our clinic is part of a larger psychosis research clinic, individuals must consent to be contacted in the future to learn about optional research studies. Individuals should be aware that participation in research is highly encouraged if they are stable enough to do so and if the team believes that participation would not hinder specific treatment and therapeutic goals. Clinical care is not in any way affected by research participation. Please note, clients are not required to enroll in research studies.

The UTHealth PSC does not typically provide services for individuals with:

  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Extensive substance abuse or dependence (marijuana is an exception), especially when abusing methamphetamines, other stimulants not prescribed, or synthetic marijuana

Individuals seeking services, family members, and any provider across settings can make referrals.

If you are interested in services, please complete the following survey: Referral Form

UTHealth providers can make internal referrals via Ambulatory Orders to UTP Psychiatry BBSB; specify Psychosis Specialty Clinic in the free-text. External providers can contact us at 713-486-2700 or UTPhysicians.PsychosisClinic@uth.tmc.edu.