
We take immense pride in mentoring our research track residents.  The strategic aspect of our program continues to be an amalgam of peer mentorship along with individual faculty mentoring. Research track residents are encouraged to meet with Dr. Pillai at the beginning of their first year to discuss their areas of interest, training goals and identify prospective mentors.  The department offers an array of research sites in terms of neuroimaging and basic science labs, and clinical research opportunities both at the department and throughout McGovern Medical School. Opportunities are also available to participate in ongoing faculty research in epidemiology, population health, and areas of convergence of between psychiatry and other fields, including humanities. From 2022, we are part of the departmental CaDRE program which provides individual mentorship for selected trainees for one year with research support. Senior level research track residents are encouraged to apply for the CaDRE mentorship program.

Please see below a list of some of the faculty members currently involved in the research track program:

Dr. Soares_mood disordersJair C. Soares, MD, PhD
Dr. de Quevedo treatment-resistant mood disordersJoao L. de Quevedo, MD, PhD
Dr. Lane_cnraScott D. Lane, PhD
Dr. Schmitz substance use disordersJoy M. Schmitz, PhD
Dr. Machado-Vieira_mood disordersRodrigo Machado-Vieira, MD, PhD, MSc
Dr. HamiltonJane E. Hamilton, PhD, MPH, LCSW
Irungu, Benson M neuroimagingBenson M. Irungu, PhD
Dr. Selek ECTSalih Selek, MD, PhD
Dr. Gabriel FriesGabriel Fries, PhD
Dr. Luca LavagninoLuca Lavagnino, MD, PhD
Anilkumar Pillai, PhD
Dr. Pigott bipolar disorderTeresa A. Pigott, MD
Mohammad Milad, PhDMohammad Milad, PhD
Peter Kochunov, PhD, MS, MSEE, DABMPPeter Kochunov, PhD, MS, MSEE, DABMP
Elliot Hong, MDElliot Hong, MD