Centers and Institutes

Center for Advanced Cardiopulmonary Therapies and Transplantation

Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences

Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine

Center for Human Development Research

Center for Interventional Gastroenterology

Center for Laboratory Animal Medicine and Care

Center for Membrane Biology

Center for Neurobehavioral Research on Addiction

Center for Perioperative Medicine

Center for Surgical Trials and Evidence-based Practice

Center for Translational Psychiatry

Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders

Children’s Learning Institute

Clinical Science Program

Dysautonomia Center of Excellence

Gulf States Hemophilia and Thrombophilia Center

McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics

Medical Student Research

Mitchell Center for Alzheimer’s Disease

Mitochondrial Center of Excellence

Neuroscience Research Center

Office of Research Affairs

Pediatric Research Center

Pulmonary Center of Excellence

Research at UTHealth

Research Service Centers and Core Laboratories

SEGA Trial

Small Animal Cardiovascular Phenotyping

Texas Comprehensive Spasticity Center

Texas Medical Center Digestive Diseases Center

Texas Sinus Institute

Texas Voice Performance Institute

The Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine

The Center for Translational Injury Research

The Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases

The Surgical and Clinical Skills Center

The Texas Institute for Restorative Neurotechnologies

The Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibody Lead Optimization and Development Core

UTHealth Neurosciences

Weatherhead PET Imaging Center