Transplant program’s growth gives new life, hope
The lack of donors for kidney transplants is a growing public health crisis in the United States, with more than 90,000 people waiting for a kidney but only 20,000 transplants performed annually. The Division of Immunology and Organ Transplantation in…
Arts & Resilience to feature Garzón, Magana
The John P. McGovern, MD, Center for Humanities and Ethics’ Arts & Resilience Program welcomes artists Nela Garzón and Gabriela Magana for the first of two events in the spring of 2024. The event begins at noon, Feb. 22 on…
MBID Research Retreat scheduled for March 7
Registration is open for the 2024 Molecular Basis of Infectious Disease (MBID) Research Retreat. The annual event will be held March 7 at the Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine (1825 Pressler St.). The MBID retreat, which began in 2008,…
Recruitment open in RISE-UP clinical drug trial for sickle cell anemia
A medication that appeared to stabilize the function and shape of red blood cells in an earlier study for patients with sickle cell disease is now part of a Phase III clinical trial that is open for enrollment at UTHealth…
Hot Topics in Aging Conference set for March 5
The UTHealth Houston Institute on Aging hosts the 8th Annual Hot Topics in Aging Conference, March 5 at the Denton A. Cooley, MD, and Ralph C. Cooley, DDS University Life Center (7440 Cambridge St.). The Hot Topics in Aging Conference…
EBV-specific T-cells play key role in development of multiple sclerosis
The body’s immune response to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) may play a role in causing damage in people with multiple sclerosis, according to a new study led by UTHealth Houston. EBV infection has long been associated with multiple sclerosis, but how…
Lieberman presents Bovay Lecture March 1
Daniel E. Lieberman, PhD, will present the 2024 Harry E. Bovay, Jr. Lecture at 11 a.m. March 1 in SRB 104 (Beth Robertson Auditorium at IMM). Lieberman will present his lecture on “Why Exercise is Medicine? An evolutionary explanation for…
Soares named founding dean of UTHealth Houston School of Behavioral Health Sciences
Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD, a renowned academic leader and physician-scientist in the field of psychiatry, has been named the founding dean of UTHealth Houston School of Behavioral Health Sciences, Feb. 1. As the inaugural dean of UTHealth Houston’s seventh…
Hastings Center welcomes Ray as fellow
The Hastings Center has welcomed Keisha Ray, PhD, associate professor, and John P. McGovern, MD, Professor in Oslerian Medicine, as a member of its 2023 Class of Fellows. Founded in 1969 by philosopher Daniel Callahan and psychoanalyst Willard Gaylin, the Hastings…
Registration open for Research Retreat
Registration is open for the McGovern Medical School Research Retreat. The annual event will be held March 5 in the Sarofim Research Building at the Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine (1825 Pressler St.). The event begins with registration at…