Grants 101 scheduled for Jan. 9-10
The New Investigator Development Program (NIDP), led by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, offers an introductory grant preparation program, Grants 101, for junior faculty member and administrative support staff Jan. 9-10. Grants 101 is…
AMA announces 2023 Inpatient E/M Changes
Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, the American Medical Association will simplify selecting a code level, making changes to the inpatient setting that make office and facility setting requirements uniform for all physicians and billing practitioners. To prepare for the changes, the…
Jayaraman awarded $3.5 million grant
A five-year, nearly $3.5 million grant to study the mechanisms of brain receptors involved in neurological disorders such as learning disabilities has been awarded to Vasanthi Jayaraman, PhD, professor and John S. Dunn Chair in the Department of Biochemistry and…
Targeting enzyme could alleviate muscle wasting for cancer patients
Targeting a specific enzyme in the muscle could help cancer patients preserve muscle mass and potentially prolong their survival, according to research from UTHealth Houston. A study led by Yi-Ping Li, PhD, professor in the Department of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, found…
Arts & Resilience welcomes back Laura Spector
The John P. McGovern, MD, Center for Humanities and Ethics welcomes back Laura Spector for its fall event of the Arts & Resilience program, Dec. 15. Spector, a fellow of the New York Foundation for the Arts, will present an…
Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program receives ACGME accreditation
UTHealth Houston has received ACGME accreditation for a new Clinical Informatic Fellowship Program, to be housed within McGovern Medical School’s Department of Internal Medicine. “We are excited to be approved by the ACGME,” said Elmer Bernstam, MD. “This fellowship brings…
UT Police’s annual toy drive returns
UT Police at Houston is gearing up for its Annual Children’s Gift Drive, benefiting UTHealth Houston Harris County Psychiatric Center. The department is accepting gift donations at 10 locations throughout the UTHealth Houston campus, detailed below. Through Monday, Dec. 19,…
Digital room signage live in MSB
Visitors to MSB G.100 and MSB 3.001 may notice a new type of signage greeting them upon entry to these rooms. Digital room calendar signs now display real-time scheduling information for these areas with visual feedback on room availability. This…
Four receive UTHealth Houston’s most distinguished award
Three faculty members who have demonstrated longstanding excellence in areas of teaching, research, and clinical care, and another recognized for overall exemplary dedication and service, received top honors from UTHealth Houston President Giuseppe N. Colasurdo, MD, Alkek-Williams Distinguished Chair, during…
Kolonin, Gutierrez publish research in Cell Reports Medicine
A translational research study from collaborating laboratories of Mikhail Kolonin, PhD, and Absalon Gutierrez, MD, on the new mechanism mediating the anti-diabetic effects of incretins has been published in Cell Reports Medicine. The global burden of Type 2 diabetes keeps rising in…