MSB Leather Lounge Table/Chair Setup Options

To schedule GDI Services’ setup services, contact Dolores Lee ([email protected]) and Yesenia Navarro ([email protected]) at least one week prior to the event. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the location is reserved for the setup/teardown and that it is taking place as scheduled.

Setups not listed on the Conference Operations Room Setup pages will need to be requested in writing to [email protected] before contacting GDI Services for approval.

Normal Setup

All Interior furniture remains. No Posterboards.

GDI Service’s Fees: Regular Hours $225.00 After Hours $275.00 (Requires 3hrs Setup and 3hrs Teardown)

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Normal Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Normal Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Maximum Table Setup

11-21 Tables including up to 42 chairs requested for setup. Remove furniture from Carpeted and Perimeter Area. Replace furniture after event.

GDI Service’s Fees: Regular Hours $295.00 After Hours $365.00 (Requires 3hrs Setup and 3hrs Teardown)

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Max Table Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Max Table Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Midrange Table Setup

5 – 10 Tables including up to 20 chairs requested for setup. Remove furniture from Perimeter Areas. Replace furniture after event.

GDI Service’s Fees: Regular Hours $285.00 After Hours $345.00 (Requires 3hrs Setup and 3hrs Teardown)

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Midrange Tables Configuration of Tables, Chairs

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Midrange Tables Configuration of Tables, Chairs

Minimum Table Setup

1 – 4 Tables including up to 8 chairs requested for setup. No furniture removal. Same fee Applies to Weber Plaza

GDI Service’s Fees: Regular Hours $225.00 After Hours $275.00 (Requires 3hrs Setup and 3hrs Teardown)

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Minimum Tables Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Minimum Tables Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Mix Table and Posterboard Setup

5 – 12 Tables including up to 24 chairs plus 2 – 12 posterboards requested for setup. No furniture moved from Perimeter Areas.

GDI Service’s Fees: Regular Hours $285.00 After Hours $345.00 (Requires 3hrs Setup and 3hrs Teardown)

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Mix Tables & Postboards Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the Mix Tables & Posterboards Configuration of Tables and Chairs

No Furniture Setup

Remove all interior furniture from Carpeted Areas. Replace furniture after event.

GDI Service’s Fees: Regular Hours $185.00 After Hours $245.00 (Requires 3hrs Setup and 3hrs Teardown)

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the No Furniture Configuration of Tables and Chairs

Diagram of MMS Leather Lounge in the No Furniture Configuration of Tables and Chairs