The 2019 Annual Symposium of the CPRIT Therapeutic Antibody Core

February 26, 2020

CPRIT Annual SymposiumThe annual symposium of the CPRIT Therapeutic Antibody Core took place on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth – Houston). Speakers highlighted the core’s capacities and provided examples of successful core collaborations.

One focus of the symposium is to showcase successful research programs that have worked closely with the Core. Dr. Philipp Scherer, from UT Southwestern, presented on the adipocyte as a source of therapeutic targets for treating diseases of metabolism, fibrosis, and cancer. Another Core collaborator from UT Southwestern, Dr. Yang-Xin Fu, presented on cancer immunotherapy.

The symposium also featured speakers including Drs. Barry Morgan, Bill Strohl, and Guo-Liang Yu from biopharmaceutical companies. They addressed topics more closely related to the translation of basic discoveries into medicines.

This was the Core’s fourth annual symposium. This year the symposium hosted more than a hundred participants. Attendees over the years have included professors, postdocs, and students from Baylor College of MedicineRice University, the University of Houston, the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, and the Institute of Biosciences & Technology at Texas A&M Health Science Center, among other academic institutions. Representatives of companies supporting therapeutic antibody core activities have also attended these symposia, including representatives of AgilentIterion TherapeuticsGreenlight ClinicalCSPC Pharmaceutical GroupGenetivision Corporation, the non-profit Military & Health Research Foundation, and current event sponsor Sino Biological Inc.