
Division Conferences
Presented by Faculty
PCCM Grand rounds
Weekly conference on updates on relevant topics in the fields of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep
Introduction to Fundamentals Series
Introductory lectures on basic topics relevant to all fellows
Core Curriculum Lectures
Lectures are given by faculty on core topics
Wellness-centered Conferences
Faculty lead a quarterly wellness-related conference, including a friendly gamification competition on PCCM/Sleep topics.
Presented by Fellows
Board Review
A combined effort from a fellow and a faculty member to review topics for preparation for boards
Journal Club
Fellows present landmark articles with a faculty member sponsor
Research Presentations
Fellows invite their faculty mentor and present their research to the division.
Case Conference
Fellows and the faculty member with whom the case was seen present a case and a learning topic
Radiology Conference
Fellows present chest imaging “rapid-fire” style while rest of the audience quickly helps interpret the images
National Conference Preparation and Reflection Sessions
Fellows who attend a national conference present their work to the division prior to attending, and afterwards present a brief topic of their choice on what they learned at the conference
Hands-On Workshops
An introductory hands-on workshop to basic bronchoscopy
Airway Workshop
A hands-on workshop on both basic and advanced airway procedures and scenarios
Ventilator Workshop
A hands-on workshop where faculty members and experienced respiratory therapists lead fellows through basic and advanced invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation techniques and management

Departmental Conferences
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
A weekly Grand Rounds of the department of Internal Medicine. Several times a year PCCM faculty also present at this conference
Multidisciplinary Conferences
Pathology Radiology Conference
PCCM Fellows present cases they have encountered with both pathology and radiology departments participating and presenting the relevant findings
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Conference
A monthly conference where faculty members present difficult ILD cases with both pathology and radiology departments participating and presenting the relevant findings
Combined Cardiovascular Surgery (CVS) and PCCM Grand Rounds
A quarterly conference where our division and CVS surgery alternate presenting a combined and relevant Grand Rounds
Site Specific Conferences
Clinical training sites such as MD Anderson and Kindred also hold conferences at which the fellows present and participate
Wednesday Case Conference
Monday Conference with Interventional Pulmonary/ QI / Research
Friday morning, DoIM Conferences