April 29, 2019

2019 Houston Aortic Symposium Photos

Photos are up from the 2019 Houston Aortic Symposium.  You can view more photos and highlights from the March three day symposium through the following link: http://www.houstonaorticsymposium.com/photos.html  

April 5, 2019

No-cost UT Physicians vein screenings could put a spring in your step

Written by: Victoria Tagg Swollen, achy, and cramping legs may not be an inevitable sign of growing older or yesterday’s long run. You could be 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. who has a venous disorder, which includes varicose…

April 5, 2019

Cristina Sola, RN receives the 2019 President’s Award for Leadership

We are proud to announce that Cristina Sola, RN, has been selected as the recipient of the President’s Award for Leadership, inspired by the late Michael Jimenez. Cristina is the clinical vascular nurse at our TMC location and was nominated…

March 15, 2019

HAS 2019 – A Success!

March 2019 witnessed the conclusion of another successful Houston Aortic Symposium (HAS).  As the twelfth in the series, HAS 2019 marked the symposium’s most attended event to date, and generated buzz throughout the Texas Medical Center (TMC), the largest medical…

February 5, 2019

Research Awarded for BEST-CLI Investigators Meeting, Holiday Coordinator Challenge

Whitely Ausbie, MHA, Research Coordinator with the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Science Center Houston, has been selected to participate in the BEST-CLI clinical trial investigators meeting being held in Washington D.C. this…

February 5, 2019

Dr. Cesar Nahas Celebrates One Year Anniversary & Expansion of Heart Surgery Program at MHSE

Cesar Nahas, MD, FACS, with the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) is celebrating his one year anniversary with UT Health.  Dr. Nahas is responsible…

January 31, 2019

Dr. Hunter Ray Wins First Place Poster Award at SAVS

Congratulations to University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), vascular surgery resident, Dr. Hunter Ray for being awarded first place at the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery 43rd Annual Meeting held in Boca Raton, Florida.  Dr. Ray presented…

December 18, 2018

Dr. Bruce Tjaden on how compression garments can ease travel discomfort

Whether you find yourself on a flight or a long car ride to visit family, compression garments for the legs can help prevent swelling, potential blood clots, and the general discomfort that comes from extended travel. “During the holiday season,…

December 6, 2018

A Successful No-Cost Vein Screening at the Bellaire Vein Clinic

Sheila Coogan, MD, FACS with UT Physicians Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at McGovern Medical School at UT Health Science Center at Houston successfully hosted a free varicose vein consultation event last month.  Houston community members concerned about varicose…

November 19, 2018

Successful Patient Implant of Endovascular Stent Graft for the Ascending Aorta

Via Vascular News Leaders in heart and vascular surgery, UT Health Science Center Houston Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery team, Anthony Estrera MD, FACS, and Bruce Tjaden Jr. MD, in collaboration with W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (Gore),…
