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Glossary of Terms
- ACETIC ACID: Mild acid, also known as vinegar
- ACIDIC: An acid pH
- ACUTE: A current process
- ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA: An Ear infection of short duration
- ADHESIVE OTITIS: Severely retracted ear drum
- ADENOIDS: Lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx (Back of the nose)
- AILMENT: An illness
- ALLERGIES: A person’s reaction to a foreign substance
- ANTIBIOTIC: Medication used to kill bacterial infections
- ANTIFUNGAL: Medication used to kill fungal infections
- ANTIHISTAMINE: Medication used to block allergic reactions
- ASPERGILLUS NIGER: A black type of fungus commonly seen in the ear
- BACTERIA: Micro-organism which causes infections
- BAROTITIS: Blocked ear, seen after flying or scuba diving
- BASILAR SKULL FRACTURE: Fracture through the base of skull
- BATTLE’S SIGN:Bruising of the skin behind the ear, seen with base of skull fractures
- BORIC ACID: A mild acid
- BULLOUS MYRINGITIS: Infection of the ear drum, which produces blisters
- CERUMEN: Ear wax
- CHOLESTEATOMA: Sack like growth in the ear
- CHRONIC: Long standing problem
- CHRONIC OTITIS MEDIA: Draining ear for a long period of time
- CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA: Infected, draining ear, same as Chronic Otitis Media
- COCHLEAR IMPLANT: Electronic hearing device implanted in the ear
- COMPLIANCE: The flexibility of an object (ear drum) to pressure
- CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS: Hearing loss caused by the blockage of the sound waves.
- CONGENITAL: A problem present from birth
- DEBRIS: Collection of discarded material
- DECIBEL: Unit of measurement of sound
- DECONGESTANT: Medication used to dry up the nose
- DERMATITIS: Inflammation of the skin
- DIABETES: A disease in which glucose (sugar) is not utilized correctly
- DEXAMETHASONE: A steroid used to decrease swelling and inflammation
- EUSTACHIAN TUBE: Tube which runs from the middle ear to the back of the nose
- ENT: Abbreviation for Ears, Nose and Throat
- EXTERNAL OTITIS: Infection of the outer ear
- GLUE EAR: Thick fluid in the middle ear
- GRANULATION TISSUE: Reddish tissue which develops after chronic infection
- HEMATOMA: A bruise with a collection of blood
- HEMOTYMPANUM: Blood behind the ear drum
- IMMOBILE: Decreased or absent movement
- INCUS: Small bone in the middle ear
- INFECTION: Inflammation caused by bacteria, virus or fungus
- INTRAVENOUS: To put drugs directly into the vein
- LABYRINTH: The balance portion of the inner ear
- LYMPHOID: Tissue which helps to fight off infection
- MALLEUS: Small bone in the middle ear
- MASTOIDECTOMY: An operation on the mastoid air cells
- MIDDLE EAR BONES: Malleus, incus, stapes, also called the Ossicles
- MIXED HEARING LOSS: A combination of conductive hearing loss and neurosensory loss
- NEUROSENSORY: Refers to the nerves involved with hearing
- NEUROSENSORY HEARING LOSS: Hearing loss due to nerve damage
- NYSTAGMUS:Side to side movement of the eyes causing dizziness sensation
- OTOSCLEROSIS: Ear Disease which causes hearing loss
- OTOSCOPE: Instrument used to look into the ear
- OSSICLES: Bones of the middle ear; malleus, incus and stapes
- P.E. TUBE: Pneumatic Equalizing tubes, ear tubes
- PHYSICIAN: A doctor
- PNEUMATIC EQUALIZING TUBE: Middle ear ventilation tubes
- PROSTHESIS: An artificial device used to replace a missing part of the body
- PSORIASIS: A scaly skin condition
- PURULENT: Greenish or yellow drainage from a bacterial infection
- PUS: The same as purulent, drainage of infection
- ROUND WINDOW: A membrane covered opening into the inner ear
- SINUSITIS: Infection of the sinuses
- SENSORY NEURAL HEARING LOSS:Loss due to nerve damage. Same as neurosensory hearing loss
- SEROUS OTITIS MEDIA: Fluid in the ears
- STAPEDECTOMY: An operation on the stapes bone
- STAPES: A small bone in the middle ear
- STEROIDS: Medication used to decrease swelling and allergic reactions
- SYMPTOM: Ailment
- TOYNBEE MANEUVER: Method of popping the ears
- TRAVELER’S EAR: Fluid in the ear after flying
- TYMPANOGRAM: Graph of middle ear pressure
- TYMPANOPLASTY: Operation to correct an eardrum perforation
- TYMPANOMETRY: Measurement of pressure in the ear
- VALSALVA MANEUVER: Method of popping the ears
- VENTILATION TUBE: Small tube put through the ear drum
- VERTIGO: Dizziness, a spinning sensation