Glue Ear Images

A teenager with a severely retracted ear drum. The middle ear bones are easily seen and the drum is adherent to the wall of the middle ear.

Twelve year old male with fluid in the middle ear, which has been there for a long period of time. The ear drum is severely retracted and adherent to the middle ear structures. The fluid is a dark amber color. A middle ear ventilation tube may or may not correct this problem.

Teenager with long-standing fluid in the middle ear space. The ear drum is adherent to the middle ear structures including the ossicles (the middle ear bones).

Twenty-five year old male with a history of ear problems his whole life. The ear drum is draped over the middle ear structures like wet tissue paper. The malleus is touching the head of the stapes, which is very abnormal. This patient has significant hearing loss. The round window, part of the inner ear structure which is located on the medial wall of the middle ear, is visible. The yellow material in the photograph is wax.

Thirty-tree year old female with destruction of bone caused by long-standing fluid in the ear. This problem has been going on for many years. The ear drum is scarred and the middle ear bones are exposed.