Sack like Growth in the ear Images

An adult with a blocked ear, adhesive Otitis with a retracted ear drum and the beginnings of cholesteatoma formation.

Young adult with drainage from right ear for a number of months. The white material is called a cholesteatoma pearl and is being formed in the cholesteatoma. Surgery is the only way to correct this problem.

Sixty year old with a draining right ear for a number of years. Most cholesteatoma are seen in the upper portion of the ear drum. Dilated blood vessels are growing out of the cholesteatoma with the chronic infection. The ear drum is not visible.

An adult with wax and a cholesteatoma pearl in front of the ear drum.

An adult with a draining ear from infection and a white cholesteatoma seen through the ear drum.

Thirty-seven year old female with a large cholesteatoma filling the middle ear space. The ear drum is not seen because of all the infected drainage, also there is a ventilation tube present. The patient needs mastoid surgery.

Thirty-seven year old female with a large cholesteatoma opening at the top of this right ear drum. The ear drum is inflamed and a ventilation tube is present. The patient needs mastoid surgery.

Thirty-seven year old female with a large cholesteatoma filling the left middle ear space. The cholesteatoma has completely pushed the ear drum away from the middle ear structures and the ventilation tube is in the middle ear space. The patient needs mastoid surgery.

Seven year old female with a congenital cholesteatoma with no symptoms. The cholesteatoma was seen on routine examination. The cyst looks like cotton on the inside of the ear drum and was removed at surgery.

Sixteen year old who had mastoid surgery for cholesteatoma. His hearing was close to normal after the surgery.