Middle Ear Infection Images

Six year old with an early ear infection. He had complained of ear pain for three to four hours. Red dilated blood vessels at the upper part of the ear drum.

Seventeen year old male with a two day history of ear pain and sore throat. The photograph shows dilated blood vessels and a collection of purulent material seen through the ear drum.

Ten year old female with fever, chills and severe right ear pain. The ear drum is thickened, bulging and severely inflamed. If treatment is not started the ear drum will probably rupture and drain.

Adult with severe right ear pain and pressure with hearing loss. The ear drum thickened, inflamed, bulging and will probably rupture and drain. The patient has a fever and looks very ill.

Eight year old boy with fever, severe ear pain and the outer ear being pushing forward by swelling behind the ear. This is an ear infection that has spread to the mastoid area behind the middle ear and is called acute Mastoiditis. He requires intravenous antibiotics and possible surgery.

Young person with a resolving ear infection after being treated with antibiotics for a week. The remaining fluid should resolve over the next several weeks.