Chronic Ear Infection Images

Six year old male with a middle ear ventilation tube. The photo was taken two days after the young man went swimming and got water in the ear. He had complaints of pain and hearing loss. The infection is draining through the tube.

Sixteen year old with an infected draining ear after a recent ear infection that ruptured the ear drum. Antibiotics and antibiotic ear drops where used to clear up this infection.

Seventy year old male with an infected draining ear for several years. His only complaint was that of hearing loss. Surgery cleared up his problem.

Sixteen year old with draining ear for several years. The ear drum has scarring and a hole in it. Mastoidectomy surgery was needed to clear up this condition.

Adult with a draining infected left ear. The ear has whitish to green purulent drainage and red area called granulation tissue which developed with long standing infection.

Seven year old female with a draining ear for one year. The ear drum has a thin layer of purulent drainage covering it. There is also a small area of granulation tissue present. This tissue is a result of chronic infection and will resolve once the infection is cleared up.